There is a lot to be said about change. Some of it good, some of it not so good. I have vowed to make a change in my life. It is not loosing weight, it is not saving money, it is not anything really that significant at all. However, it is important to me. It involves discipline. I have on two occasions started blogging only to find myself giving it up after a short period. Why? Simply put, I was not disciplined enough to stay the course. Now a blog is really nothing of great significance. Those of us who feel that our little rants are news to the world are really exercising our most narcissistic tendencies. Yet still I think blogging can be a good thing. It really is nothing more than purposeful journaling with a much wider audience. Many have used blogging in what I believe to be a very negative purpose, especially in Southern Baptist life. Many have used it for great good. There are some who have done both. I also readily admit that this is simply my opinion and that some would see it very different. Either way, blogging is a tool in many ways to exercise the demons in us and to be a part of this wonderful information age in which we live. My topics will range from everything from the Christian life to theology and church and kids and movies and sports and the price of tea in China! I would imagine there will be a healthy dose of Southern Baptist life and issues also. I am interested in what you would like to read about. Let me know!
Tomorrows post will be on voyeurism and Southern Baptist Blogs. The 21st century cyber train wreck!
Because Jesus is all that really matters!