Monday, May 29, 2006

Dr. Akin interview

Thought this was an interesting interview from a man of integrity in our SBC leadership....or perhaps I am simply a sheep who is duped and I have drank of the kool aid one time to many and he is in all actuality a power hungry, blood thirsty maniacal power broker...Anyway, you read it yourself and make your own mind up.


Jack Maddox said...


You are correct to a point. As far as Dr. Akins character...having known him and sat under his ministry, his character was not the point I was trying to make, however, would you not agree that these views represent Dr. Akins opinion? Isn't that the point of this kind of publication? It was a simple interview, not an op-ed.

Thnaks for your comment however. I am just excired someone read my blog!!!

Jack Maddox

Jack Maddox said...

Gee Phillips...I certainly never intended to "rant" at anyone. So that I will not do this again, could you please explain the difference between differing with someone and their opinion and ‘ranting’? I certainly desire to be all that God would have me to be as I am sure you do also, so any help in this area would be appreciated. What has me confused is this; If I or someone else who may have concerns over the tone of many bloggers today say anything contrary to the prevailing opinion, then it is described as an 'attack' or even a 'rant'. Yet many in the Blog community can use all types of pejorative terms, insults and innuendo against those they are troubled by and that is simply 'principled dissent'

Thanks for helping me out with this for I am new at this kind of interaction.

Jack Maddox

Jack Maddox said...

Well as far as questioning her opinion...yes I did and I do if her intent is to take a quote from a book over 20 years ago that has nothing to do with the subject at hand to make a point about CP support. I question that opinion, in fact, I disagree with it.

To call her post a SHAM, I will agree was a misuse of the word, for it implies premeditated deceit. I do not believe that was her intent. I regret the use of the word sham and apologize and will apologize on her blog. However, to call that a 'rant' is a stretch don't you think?


Jack Maddox said...

Well Phillips, even I can understand that answer. Thaks for your candid response and do pray that I will be all that I can be for the Lord Jesus and be assured of my prayers for you and yours. I value your opinion and you have helped me today to clarify mine.

I am grateful!

Jack Maddox